Emilia Romagna the beautiful world

The treasure chest of art is hidden everywhere, in Emilia Romagna, a genuine and sincere land, always devoted to the pleasures of life, with a predilection for taste, if there were a hierarchy among the five senses.

Nestled in the marvelous natural scenery of the Apennines, the Adriatic Sea, and the Po River, E-R, as it is abbreviated, is a combination of breathtaking landscapes and panoramas that range from enchanting cities of art, from Bologna to Ferrara, from Ravenna to Parma, to seaside towns like Rimini and Milano Marittima, to lagoon landscapes, from picturesque medieval villages to abbeys and castles among the hills, evoking stories of knights and ancient loves.

During the journey, the testimonies of a thousand-year history are continuous, as are the discoveries of symbolic places for the Great Fathers of Italy: Dante Alighieri and Ravenna, Giovanni Pascoli and Forlì, Matilde di Canossa and Reggio Emilia, Giuseppe Verdi between Bologna and Parma,  for the Unesco cities of music.

Each of them fascinated not only by art but also by the culinary excellences: from prosciutto to Parmigiano, from balsamic vinegar to tagliatelle. But Emilia Romagna, in its kaleidoscope of offerings, is also recognized as the region devoted to joy in every event, in theme parks, enchanting itineraries, historical reenactments, and in the everyday life of the present.



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