FonteVerde Tuscan Resort & Spa

A palace born from a Renaissance portico, built over a thermal spring, as a tribute to the rejuvenating power of thermal waters, in San Casciano dei Bagni, Siena.

The portico, commissioned by Grand Duke Ferdinando I de’ Medici, is located in the heart of the Val d’Orcia, amidst gentle hills, cypress forests, and small churches.

The spectacular panoramic pools, as well as those designed for treatments and relaxation, are filled with the natural warmth of the thermal springs.

FonteVerde is a timeless jewel and refuge where you can discover a new dimension of well-being and reach a higher level of harmony with the Equilibrium method.

FonteVerde springs from its source. From the culture of waters that heal and rejuvenate. A world of its own where one can rediscover a conscious and natural lifestyle.

Equilibrium is the innovative philosophy of well-being. It teaches how to manage stress and lifestyle, creating balance and harmony.

In the Equilibrium Medical Spa, it finds its perfect application, with personalized programs to regain health and well-being, achieve the ideal weight, and attain peak physical fitness.

It’s indeed a case of science that listens, serving people to provide them with a healthier, more serene, and conscious lifestyle.

The Total Green is a journey to rediscover harmony and well-being through nature and the beneficial properties of plants.

Over the course of seven days, it includes a visit with a medical tutor and dietary consultation, outdoor activities in the Tuscan countryside such as a walk, Nordic walking, or exploring plants, their benefits, and their gathering through the ancient practice of foraging.

​The physical and spiritual well-being continues with Hatha and Power yoga sessions, targeted spa treatments, and relaxing massages.

Thermal springs are a wonderful connection to nature, to the heart of the Earth, and to the eternal cycle of water..

Here, time flows without rushing, and everything teaches us to take care of our body and spirit to rediscover harmony and the pleasure of self-care.

In the Thermal Lifestyle area of the Spa, you’ll discover relaxing and delightful rituals and treatments, moments of authentic holistic well-being that make you forget about stress.

Wonder and well-being. The warm thermal waters will pamper the guest like gentle, rejuvenating caresses.

The view extends towards the majestic hilly landscape of the Val d’Orcia.

A daydream to be lived amidst the gentle hydromassages of FonteVerde’s wonderful thermal pools

The multisensory journey of the large Bioaquam pool is the path to rediscover balance and harmony.

The large pool leads from the interior of the room with its glass windows to the outdoor area overlooking the Val d’Orcia landscape.

Proper nutrition, exercise, and the regenerative and therapeutic power of thermal water all contribute to eliminating stress and guide the guest on a journey towards a new and conscious lifestyle.

Dietary programs will assist the guest in correcting poor eating habits, rediscovering their shape, and rekindling the pleasure of healthy and delicious foods by connecting the flavors of fine dining with holistic well-being.


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